Resolutions - 2024
24-01 Amend the Rates and Fee Schedule to Impose Fees for the Cost of Commemorative Bench Program 24-02 Changing the Date of the June 19th Regular Board Meeting to June 12th 24-03 List of Signatures for Accounts 24-04 Authorize Investment of Monies Local Agency Investment Fund24-05 Expense Accounting for Commissioners24-06 Digital Signature24-07 Accept EVRA Construction Lowest Qualifying Firm24-08 Rates and Fees 2024/2025 Fiscal Year 24-09 Adopt Preliminary Budget 2024/2025 Fiscal Year 24-10 Resolution to Oppose Initiative 193524-11 Final Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program24-12 Coastal Boat Operator Training 24-13 Election November 5, 202424-14 Participant of CA Asset Management Trust 24-15 RV Park Lease 24-16 Flag Policy
24-17 - Not Used
24-18 SAVE Grant24-19 Surfers Beach Grant24-20 Purchase and SAle Agreement Princeton Avenue