Future Dredging Project Possibilities
Inner Harbor Maintenance Dredging
Several spots within the inner breakwater are showing signs of silting up and will need to be dredged soon so boating operations are not obstructed. The Harbor District plans to program this maintenance dredging activity into its forthcoming budget process. A sediment disposal site for this episode will need to be selected and approved.
Princeton Shoreline
Since the construction of the federal breakwater at Pillar Point in 1959-1961, the Princeton Shoreline has experienced beach erosion caused by wind waves across the outer harbor with no source of replenishment. The Army Corps could determine a federal interest in working with a local sponsor to address this problem, as they did for Surfers Beach. San Mateo County is completing a comprehensive Princeton planning process with shoreline erosion as an item of specific concern. This might lead to constructive action, possibly using dredged harbor sediment for beach replenishment. Work by the County's consultant is supposed to begin in March.
The Harbor District, operating strictly in a limited facilitating role and at the request of the Coastal Commission, obtained a Coastal Conservancy grant and had a preliminary engineering assessment done in 2001 that identified three possible approaches to shoreline protection based on six individual concepts, including a sand replenishment option.
At that time the District was in contact with the Princeton Citizens Advisory Committee and the County Park and Recreation Division. This preliminary engineering work could be of value to the County's planning effort.
Following is a list of attachments (click on links to view):
Chart of Cubic Yards ThousandsResults SummaryPrinceton Shoreline StudyNorthern Half Moon Bay Shoreline Improvement ProjectNorthern Half Moon Bay Improvement Project Presentation